Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Still moving slow

but I'm moving! It's a  start . I managed to shuffle down to the iris beds to see how they look. I hadn't been down there in 6 days and was worried about all the cold weather and how the iris were taking it. The first bed I looked at had a lot of iris heaved up and my heart sank.  But in walking around as much as I could, overall they look good. I do need to get some help and put dirt on the heaved up ones. As tempting as it is to just step on them and smush them down into the dirt, you aren't supposed to do that. (truth, I did a few- we'll see what happens) Weather is supposed to start climbing slowly and they will be happy happy then. So will I!

We seem to have quite a few doves this year. They are busy under the feeders cleaning up after the other birds. Mostly black birds and starlings right now. Early in the morning there are loads of yellow and red finches, a few cardinals and the bully blue j's.

This is our current stray kitty we are calling Scratch. He had scratches all over his face when we first saw him hanging out on the deck. I took the picture out the downstairs laundry window, he sits and looks in at my kitties and meows at them. Not aggressive or threating, just "hey, can I come in too?"  Poor guy.  I wish ppl would stop dumping out kitties. I can't let any in, ours are already naughty because he's out there. We feed him in the morning and if he's begging. Hubby is going to see if the local shelter would take him. They are good at finding homes, but so far he's not let us near him.

Monday, March 28, 2011

Uggg the recovery...

 Well, I'm down and not getting much at all done since last friday. I had another ERCP with sphincterotomy and other words an "OW" procedure. Not fun, but not doing it is not an option.  One bright side to it, as of this morning I'd lost 7 lbs! I'm sure a lot of it is water weight, but it's still nice to see the scale going down instead of up! If you aren't familiar with an ERCP,  you're lucky. In short it feels like being punched in the stomach, and stabbed occasionally. So, eating just doesn't even sound good. But, I'm healing , until the next one end of April. *sigh

 I'm hoping to be able to stay up long enough today to work on the website. I have all the names listed now, so I'll start updating and adding pictures and descriptions.The iris section is still turned off on the site to save confusion. I'm aiming for a week, or two, to get those things done. (Not sure how fast I will be able to work)

 When the weather warms up, and the iris show me how they survived the winter and latest blast of cold, I will be able to get an accurate count and change those numbers. But once the photos and descriptions are done I will activate the iris section and start taking orders. Be sure to add a few substitutes for any that are sold out. Or I will send you a refund.

Monday, March 21, 2011

Website work

Today was too wet to work on cleaning the iris beds, so  I'm working on the web page.
 If you go there to check it out you will see that the pics aren't showing. It's temporary. I'm getting all the names in first , and then I'll go thru and add the pictures and descriptions.

Thursday, March 17, 2011

Cleaning the straw off March 15, 2011

 It took me about 5 hours to clear all this straw from the beds.

I still have to go in with my hand rake and clear off the small stuff and oat seeds. Some are already sprouting! uggg

Now it better not get into a streak of freezing temps day and night or I'll be frantically putting it back on!

Everyone cross your fingers!

 Doesn't it seem like the beds go on forever? Yea, when I'm working on them it does too!
Peeking out, checking for sunshine!

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Finally a Blog !

I'm new at this so give me some time to get it going. I wanted to have a place to let everyone know what's happening on the iris farm.

Today was a lonnnng day cleaning off the winter straw cover. Took me about 5 hours. The iris are looking good, and hopefully the weather will stay warm and they will take off.

I'm working on my website slowly. I have so many corrections and additions to do.If you are looking for anything special send me a note.