Well, lots of this-
Before: lots of brown leaves and blasted dandelions.
Shame on me!
And After: Over an hour of weeding/trimming (per-bed)
and they're ready for their straw blanket.
And of course since I've been away from the garden the last two days, I forgot to go out and cut it to bring inside. I'll go see, but I expect a frozen mushy purple/white mess :( There were a couple early buds on Zee also, but I expect they froze too hard to keep going. We're just too far north to give the re-bloomers enough warm weather for fall hurrah.
I hope we get some more warm weather so I can try to finish. 17 beds to go, but my Dr. actually said the bending was bad for my GERD and I should "leave the rest till spring". Doctors orders ;) If only! ha If I don't clean them off they will be a real mess next spring. *sigh