Wednesday, May 29, 2013

It was hot hot hot and muggy today. The blooms are opening quickly!

Check out how many buds are on this one!!

Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Well, I sure didn't keep up with daily bloom posts did I?!!  How about just some random pics of what's blooming so far....

Don't know this one's name. It's short, about 12-15", and blooms early.

This one went crazy ! SIX falls.
I've had several with four in the past few years, but never six!
I do wonder what is causing this.

We could use a little more sun and less rain, then they would open quicker. Lots of buds coming up :)

Friday, May 17, 2013

Just a few new blooms today..
Clara Garland
Puddy Tat
Take Me Away

The large flower buds are stretching up now that it's staying warmer. Should be some opening in the next week.
 I'd better get the stakes with sparkly ribbons up, so the black birds and robins don't sit on the buds and break them off.
I finished yanking out all the dandelions, now I have a bad case of thistles in a couple beds. I'm not sure if the birds 'planted' them , or if they were in the straw but they are a real P I T A!

Clara Garland

Thursday, May 16, 2013

I posted the most recent bloomers on my facebook page SunshineAnnie's. Check it out and like my page.
 I'll have a surprise drawing soon. :)

Today's bloomers are:
Pippi Longstocking (my granddaughter's fav.)
Pink Frosting
Plum Ripples
Rare Edition

Rare Edition

Pink Frosting


Pippi Longstocking

Plum Ripples


Friday, May 10, 2013

I've had a couple people ask when I'm going to start listing on ebay this year.
Well, I'm not.
 There are several reasons for my decision, but in the case of ebay, it's just not a good place to do business any more.

If you are local, I'm thinking of taking iris to sell at the Stockton  July 4th celebration in the park.  Have to send in my space fee by the first of June, so I will make a final decision soon.

The iris are blooming late this year, too much cold weather. Only a few buds on the dwarfs so far.  I'll post pics when they get going.