Monday, April 25, 2011

Work work work!

Today I had to clean off a big old flower bed that is getting too full of grass, and wild strawberries? I'm not sure how I'll deal with the grass yet, but the dead stuff is off. It's MUCH bigger than it looks in the picture. I'm not good at guessing measurements but... 40' long?  Took two hours to rake it off and now I'm shot!
Oh yea, on the left you can see the sad remains of my favorite bench. I hope we can use the pieces to build a new one, I just love it in this bed when the flowers are all blooming. It did last over 10 years, but wish it would have lasted 10 more.

Here are a couple shots from around our yard. We have 3 acres total, and lots of trees! Not the prettiest time of year to take pictures. Most of the trees are still very bare. Our yard is outlined by pine trees, wayyyy down there!

 The back of our house. My hideaway deck , where the neighbors can't see us!
Here is my "play house" - greenhouse. Door is shut because I started seeds yesterday and it's not exactly hot outside. I have a chicken waterer, maybe some day I can have some chickens!
And here are some views of the iris beds. They are growing well, even with the hail storms and cold wet weather!

Saturday, April 23, 2011

Sign up to win free iris this summer!

Annie says-
Be cute...

Mind your manners...

Be sure to sign up with your email for updates, and to be included in my drawing for FREE iris in August!
More details later......

Getting there....

I'm almost thru the website updates. Still have some pictures to change, and some prices that need corrected (mostly lower) , but I'm getting there! A few orders have come in , thank you thank you! Do remember that the iris don't start to ship until Mid to Late July.

It's been cold rain and wind so not much working outside. I see the oats are very happy growing among the iris ....*sigh. Time to get out the hoe. I wish the rabbits would just eat them already!!

Here are a few more pics from my gardens to help us ignore the dreary rainy weather.

          My big orange poppies. I wish they would last longer.
    This is a volunteer that comes up in a new place(s) every year around my yard!
                                                 Florentine Silk putting on a show.
 My lupine maddness! I love it when the colors start mixing. last year I had one that was pink top to bottom on one side, and purple top to bottom on the other!

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Did I miss summer? ???

This weather is crazy cold, and too too wet. I sure hope it straightens out soon so the iris can dry out and get growing buds.
Since there isn't any new news in the iris beds right now, I'll share a few more pictures of my family. Well my fur family, they like their pics taken. First I want to start with my dearest garden buddy ever, my sweet Maddie Maye. She died in July '09 because the neighbors sprayed their yard for dandelions, and Maddie got it on her feet. She died a long and horrible suffering of strokes. I hoped she would make it, but I lost my sweetheart and It still breaks my heart. Please don't use those chemicals on your yards. What's a few dandelions, they don't last that long. I know what a pain they are in the flower beds, but I'd rather weed than bury my best friends. She was only 6 years old.
 The last picture of Maddie I took. If I'd only known, I would never have let her outside that day.
 She loved to climb. If she coudln't see me she would sing a funny meeeoowwwowowow song. :)
 Her favorite flowers, here she's wishing they would grow faster so we couldn't see her. Funny thing is, there is still a bare spot in the center where she used to sleep.
                                           She loved frogs, this one she patted!
                                          Her last gift to me, she was a great hunter.
                         And that's why she was in the neighbors yard, they had a lot of mice & voles.
                                                                I miss you sweetie. :*(

Saturday, April 16, 2011

Akkk what happened to spring?!!

The kitties know what to do on a day like this...

                                              Addie and Maggie say  Take a Nap!!

Sunday, April 10, 2011

Order questions.

I've had a couple questions about ordering the iris.

Yes, if you order you will be first in line for that Iris. If too many are sold, they will be filled by date of order.

Shipping- It's hard to determine actual cost until the iris are dug and packed. Some are naturally smaller, some are huge... If you overpay by more than $2 I will refund the difference when they are shipped.

If you have any more questions feel free to send me a note.

Saturday, April 9, 2011

Spring is here!

FINALLY the weather is warmer and the frost is gone! The iris are growing,and of course so are the weeds.
I'm working on my website, stop by and see the progress daily as I go alphabetically from a-z and update the missing pictures and descriptions.   (click on link at top right -> )

You can also follow the link there to my etsy shops. This time of year most of the activity is in my diecut shop and the iris. In the fall I get to work sewing loads of  fun stuff for the Elizabeth craft show in October.

You can place iris orders now if you like, however rhizomes will not be shipped before mid to late July when they are ready. But if there are some you really like, don't wait as they might sell out and you would have to try again next year. :(   Nothing worse than not getting the one you want!  (There are several I've been trying to add to my gardens for years and I always miss out).

Think spring! Warm weather and sunshine will bring blooms galore.