Monday, April 25, 2011

Work work work!

Today I had to clean off a big old flower bed that is getting too full of grass, and wild strawberries? I'm not sure how I'll deal with the grass yet, but the dead stuff is off. It's MUCH bigger than it looks in the picture. I'm not good at guessing measurements but... 40' long?  Took two hours to rake it off and now I'm shot!
Oh yea, on the left you can see the sad remains of my favorite bench. I hope we can use the pieces to build a new one, I just love it in this bed when the flowers are all blooming. It did last over 10 years, but wish it would have lasted 10 more.

Here are a couple shots from around our yard. We have 3 acres total, and lots of trees! Not the prettiest time of year to take pictures. Most of the trees are still very bare. Our yard is outlined by pine trees, wayyyy down there!

 The back of our house. My hideaway deck , where the neighbors can't see us!
Here is my "play house" - greenhouse. Door is shut because I started seeds yesterday and it's not exactly hot outside. I have a chicken waterer, maybe some day I can have some chickens!
And here are some views of the iris beds. They are growing well, even with the hail storms and cold wet weather!

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